Boosting your skin health from the inside is easy when you know what foods to eat and why. There is no question that a healthy diet means healthy skin. But there are foods you can add to your diet that will boost your skin health beyond mere nourishment. Here are a few you might already know about, and some that might surprise you:
Cucumbers – once regarded as nutritionally lacking, cucumbers have a new-found resurgence and are now enjoying ‘superfood’ status – and for good reason:
Cucumbers consist of more than 90% water, eating them helps keep your body and skin hydrated while flushing out toxins.
- Cucumbers are rich in Vitamin A which helps promote healthy skin by keeping cell membranes strong and resistant to cellular damage.
- The skin of the cucumber has the highest concentration of vitamins, but if you don’t like to eat the skin, it can be used for skin irritations and sunburns in the way aloe would be used.
- Cucumbers have anti-inflammatory properties. Place a slice of cucumber over puffy eyes to help reduce puffiness.
- Cucumbers are rich in B vitamins and make a great snack when you need an energy boost.
- Cucumber is an excellent source of silica, which is known to help promote joint health by strengthening the connective tissues.
Blueberries – these little berries contain the highest antioxidant levels of all fresh fruits. Antioxidants and phytochemicals in blueberries neutralize free radicals that lead to cell damage. The vitamin C in blueberries can help strengthen the tiny blood vessels just below the surface of your skin, preventing the appearance of ‘spider veins’. These broken capillaries can be unsightly when they break, and may take months or years to heal and disappear. The stronger your capillaries are, the more resistance they are to breaking.
Sweet Potatoes – these deliver a healthy dose of vitamin A which has been found to help reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles plus other signs of aging. Topical treatments made with this potent food source work well, but incorporating sweet potatoes into your diet is the best way to put this hard-working, anti-aging food to good use.
Avocados – these are rich in healthy fats, vitamins A and C, and fiber, making them the perfect food for fighting the signs of aging and improving your complexion. Eating avocados also improves liver function which helps the body detox – and we all know that detoxing helps the skin look amazing. Home-made avocado masks will nourish dry skin, but they are not good for acne-prone skin (it tends to be oily and will clog your pores). Eating your avocado is the best bet for healthy skin from within.
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