Natural Home Remedies to get rid of wrinkles
Basic ingredients that help in reducing wrinkles are lime juice, almond oil ,olive oil, cabbage juice, potatoes, rose water, pineapple juice, egg white, cucumber, papaya, milk, honey, sugar when applied as face packs.
- Potatoes: make a creamy paste out of potatoes and apply it on your skin before you sleep for 30 min and clean it up with lukewarm water. It helps as an anti toxic agent and retains healthy skin.
- Milk: cold milk can be applied in regular intervals which help to restore good skin.
- Rosewater: along with rose water mix 1 spoon of turmeric and honey and apply it on your skin for 15 min and washout with clean water this is an anti aging remedy.
- Lime juice: cleanup your face with lukewarm water and apply 2 to 3 tablespoons of lime juice on the affected area and massage it in circular motions for 10 to 15 min and wash it repeat every day
- Pineapple: Pineapple is rich in antioxidants and is a fruit known for its anti-aging effects. Apply pineapple juice all over the skin and leave it on for five minutes before washing off. This increases the level of Alpha-Hydroxy Acids (AHA) in the skin that is essential to fight the aging process.
- Pomegranate: Reduce your wrinkles by drinking a glass of pomegranate juice every day. You can even try applying pomegranate oil on your wrinkles as a daily moisturizer for better results.
- Cucumber: fine shred the cucumber and apply it on the damaged skin this eliminates darkening this can be repeated as many times if needed.
- Almond oil: rich in nutrition which helps to add glow to the skin when applied daily once before taking shower.
- Olive oil: a massage with olive oil along with a few drops of honey would result in a lustrous skin
- Honey: a very ancient remedy that helps to reduce wrinkles. Apply honey on the wrinkles and pat dry it for 20 min and wash with cold water repeat regularly for best results.
- Egg white: take one egg white and one spoonful almond oil beat it evenly and apply it your face leave it for 30 min and clean it thoroughly with lukewarm water. This helps in giving required protein to the damaged skin and helps to active dead cells resulting in healthy skin.
- Papaya: it is recommended to take a ripe papaya. Make a smooth paste out of it and apply it on the wrinkles and massage it evenly and wash it off after 10 mins.
- Cabbage juice: take fresh cabbage juice massage over the skin and left to dry. Pat dry and rinse it off with warm water. It helps tighten up facial muscles.
Capsules that help in reducing wrinkles
Vitamin E, A, C and B-complex vitamin substitutes
The usage of the above capsules would give good results both internally and externally. Application of the vitamin substitutes externally on the affected area would reduce wrinkles but internal consumption requires a doctor’s advice
Yoga also helps to minimize wrinkles
Here we are suggesting some yoga exercises to reduce wrinkles, which may prove helpful in making you look younger. Following are a few yoga postures.
- Agraa Valaya
- Singh Mukh Mudra
- Bhrikuti Vilodan
- Bhrikuti Valaya
Diet for Wrinkles
Certain types of foods help you in reduce wrinkling of your skin. Diet rich in vegetables, fresh fruits, fish, nuts etc will reduce skin wrinkles.
Slow down the process of skin aging with the following foods:
- All types of berries
- Eggs
- Olives and Olive oil
- Essential fatty acids present in fishes like salmon and sardines
- Legumes
- Vitamin C rich foods
- Avocados
- Vegetables like celery, eggplant, spinach, onions and garlic
- Foods rich in zinc such as nuts, milk, lean meats, and seafood
- Carotenoid-rich vegetables and fruit like apricots, sweet potatoes and carrots
- Cereals (Whole grain)
- All fruits / fruit juices
- Tea and water
- Cocoa (Low-fat)
- Cruciferous vegetables such as turnip, radish, Brussel sprouts, cauliflower, broccoli, watercress and cabbage
- Soya
- Ginger
Avoid the following foods to get rid of wrinkles :
- Red or processed meats
- Saturated fats
- Refined sugar
- Full fat dairy products
- All purpose flour / White flour
- Alcohol
- Margarine
- Carbonated drinks
- Sweets and candies
- Potatoes
He/She will probably be able to determine the best plan of action for your wrinkle removal procedure after adapting a few easy and smart tips so getting rid of WRINKLES is not rocket science but surely a 10 steps ahead kitchen science which is handy enough without undergoing any rhytidectomy.