Stay away from this if you want to remain looking youthful like Jessica Alba. REFINED SUGAR! A big no-no. We all know that sitting in the sunning and smoking will cause a pre-mature ageing effect: wrinkles, poor skintone and sagginess will most likely be the result. But the same can be said for refined white sugar, so stay away if you can from the white stuff.
But don’t take our word for it: Dr. Fredric Brandt, who works on the faces of the world’s biggest stars including Madonna is a anti-sugar advocate: “Sugar damages skin cells and breaks down collagen and elastin. Avoid it and you’ll improve the radiance of your skin immediately.

Instead, opt for naturally occurring sugars found in fruit and dates and honey. Yes, it is hard to stay way from the jam doughnuts and the cake, but a firmm taut, clear complexion will be the reward.
-staff @ Talk Surgery
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