Friday 27 December 2013

How To Get Rid Of Under Eye Bags~

As we get older, the fight that we put up against gravity constantly starts to lose out. Our skin has an elasticity factor inbuilt in it. As we get older, the elasticity starts to lose out. The fat that is behind the skin starts to droop and the skin elasticity wears off and hence, the skin starts to sag. Under eye bags is a common but inevitable sign of aging. When we are young the healthy skin and the tight muscles hold the fat back. As we grow older, we lose out the fight against gravity and we end up with puffy bags that outline our eyes. There can be many causes for which one can develop under eye bags. As per the cause, the symptoms will vary. There are simple home remedies that one can resort to in order to keep those under eye bags away or at least, to a minimum.

Causes Of Under Eye Bags

Besides gravity working on our skin and the aging process becoming evident, there are other causes that can lead to under eye bags:
•    It could be due to the diet that you are following – when one follows a crash diet and restricts the amount of fat and carbs intake to a great deal, it could show effects with tired and baggy eyes.
•    The ways one sleeps can also lead to under eye bags
•    Allergies could also lead to puffy eyes and eyes that have bags under them
•    Cold or a sinus infection can lead to water build up under the eyes
•    If one has consumed salty food or spent a night crying, it could lead to puffiness under the eyes as a result of osmosis

Symptoms Of Under Eye Bags

The symptoms of under eye bags are usually common and do not have any pain or discomfort attached to them:
•    The skin under the eye is swollen
•    The skin is layered and dark in appearance
•    The eyes look tired due to the under eye bags

How To Get Rid Of Under Eye Bags

Under eye bags may be a common phenomenon but it is easy to get simple fixes for them at home. Under eye bags makes one look tired, old and fatigued. That can dampen one’s appearance. It is best that the effective home remedies are employed to control such a condition.

1.    Treat The Allergy

If you have hay fever, it would be best that you treat it so that:
•    The puffiness around the eye is reduced
•    Over the counter or common allergy medications can help

2.    Opt For A Neti Pot

Usually fluid build up in the nasal cavity and facial areas leads to puffiness under the eyes.
•    Taking steam
•    Irrigating the nasal passageways can help to relieve the fluid build up and reduce the puffiness or under eye bags.

3.    Change The Sleeping Position

Sometimes the under eye bags are caused due to the kind of sleeping position that one adopts:
•    Sleeping on the side
•    Sleeping on one’s stomach
These are some positions that encourage fluids to collect under the eyes. One can sleep on their back and keep an extra pillow under their head to reduce under eye bags.

4.    Rubbing Eyes Frequently

Are you in the habit of rubbing your eyes frequently? There are some people who have such a habit. It could lead to:
•    The skin being irritated under the eyes more often
•    Dirt and wrinkles build up under the eyes

5.    Remove The Eye Make Up

Some women tend to sleep with the eye make up on. If the eye makeup is not removed, the chemical in the makeup will:
•    Irritate the sensitive area under the eye
•    Lead to fluid building up under the eyes
Such habits need to be changed and one will surely take better care of their under eye area in such ways.

6.    Stop Smoking

It is best that one gives up smoking if they have such a habit:
•    Smoking can weaken the collagen tissues
•    It can lead to premature wrinkles to form and makes the skin sag faster
Thus, women who are really bothered about their appearance and the youthfulness of their skin need to stop this deadly habit right away.

7.    Sun Exposure

Sun exposure also weakens the collagen tissues and the delicate skin like the under eye areas become subjected to wrinkles soon:
•    Exposure to the sun is okay as long as the face skin is shielded
•    One should make use of sunscreen and sunglasses to shield this delicate part of the eyes

8.    Moisturize The Area

As we age, the skin starts to lose out on its moisture content. In order to prevent the under eye bags and the skin from looking wrinkly and old, one can resort to daily and nightly habits of:
•    Applying moisturizer in the under eye area before sleeping
•    Use a moisturizing cleanser to remove the makeup

9.    Use Of Cucumber And Other Items

It is known that use of cold cucumber slices on the puffy eyes helps to reduce the swelling. Other things that prove effective are:
•    Chilled and used tea bags
•    Pack of frozen peas
•    Cold spoons
Such items will help to reduce the swelling.

10.    Drink Lots Of Water

It has been seen that, when salt build up occur more in the under eye areas, it leads to under eye bags.
•    One should increase their intake of water
•    It helps to flush out the salt and toxins from the system and help to make the skin appear fresh and hydrated.
Are you worrying too much or having late nights? You need to get rest and adequate sleep:
•    It will make one appear fresh
•    The under eye bags and puffiness under the eye will reduce

12.    Stay Happy

It is known that staying happy will not only reduce the fine lines and wrinkles but also help us:
•    Stay cheerful
•    Make our eyes and under eye areas look healthy
Are you worrying that the under eye bags are spoiling your appearance? Are you waking up with puffy eyes every morning? The above remedies will surely help you to find a way out of such a dilemma and have a more fresh and youthful looking skin and eyes.
Photo Credit: Simon James, Flickr

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